"face and tagged must have one vtx set which must be the same"
facevtx = face.vertices[0]
tagvtx = tagged.vertices[0]
length = len(facevtx)
if length!=len(tagvtx):
return 0
for fvtx in facevtx:
for tvtx in tagvtx:
if closenough(fvtx,tvtx):
else: return 0
return 1
def useableby(face, poly):
# wtf doesn't this work?
# newpoly=poly.copy()
# newpoly.appenditem(newface)
# newpoly.rebuildall()
# squawk(`len(newpoly.faces)`)
newpoly = quarkx.newobj("test:p")
for face2 in poly.faces:
for face2 in newpoly.faces:
# squawk("checking")
if newface==face2:
return 1
return 0
# poly1 can be merged with poly2 at face of poly1,
# returning result or None
def mergeable(tagged, poly1, o):
def noncoplanar(poly, face):
for f in poly.faces:
if coplanar(f, face):
return 0
return 1
for face in o.faces:
if len(face.faceof)!=1 or not coplanar(face,tagged): continue
if face.normal*tagged.normal>0: continue
if same_vertices(face,tagged):
new = quarkx.newobj(o.name)
for oldface in o.subitems: # not faces, we don't mess with shared faces
if oldface==face or oldface.type!=":f": continue
# the merged poly will be in o's group, so we need to copy
# all the faces. any facees used by the tagged faces's
# poly that are actually used by o will not be ok.
for tagface in poly1.faces:
if noncoplanar(o,tagface): # ys
# If it can be added to o and still be used by
# o, then it changes the shape of o and merger
# should not be enabled
# squawk("testing useability")
if useableby(tagface, o): # if it can be added to
# squawk("passed")
return None
return new
# merge a poly to one with a tagged face
def MergePolyClick(m):
if editor is None: return
undo = quarkx.action()
undo.exchange(m.o, m.result)
undo.exchange(m.tagged.faceof[0], None)
editor.ok(undo,"merge polys")
# makes menu item, put on menu in maptagside
def mergepoly(editor,o):
item = qmenu.item("Merge Polys",MergePolyClick,"|This command can merge two brushes which `kiss' at a face, meaning that the faces have the same location, orientation, size and shape, but are oriented in opposite directions.\n\nTo use it, tag one of the kissing faces, then select the brush that contains the other. If this menu item becomes enabled, the operation is then supposed to be able to combine the two brushes into one. The selected brush will be `dominant', in that the resulting brush will be in its position of the group structure, and its textures and higher shared faces will be retained where relevant.\n\nIf the operation will change the overall shape, or create an invalid brush, this menu item is supposed to remain disabled.")
if tagged is None or len(tagged.faceof)!=1:
return item
new = mergeable(tagged,tagged.faceof[0],o)
if new is not None:
# item.face=face
return item
def MergePolysInGroup(group):
newgroup = group.copy()
done = 'done' # to be used as a loop-break exception
while 1:
polys = newgroup.findallsubitems("",":p")
for face in faces:
if len(face.faceof)==1:
poly1 = face.faceof[0]
for poly2 in polys:
if poly2 is poly1:
newpoly = mergeable(face, poly1, poly2)
if newpoly is not None:
raise done
except done:
return newgroup
# merge the mergeable polys in a group.
def MergePolysClick(m):
editor = mapeditor()
if editor is None: return
undo = quarkx.action()
new = MergePolysInGroup(m.o)
undo.exchange(m.o, new)
editor.ok(undo,"merge polys in group")
# makes menu item, put on menu in maptagside
def groupmergepoly(editor,o):
item = qmenu.item("Merge Polys",MergePolysClick,"|This command will try to merge all mergeable polys in the group.\n\mIt doesn't necessarily get the best answer, if you think you can do better, you can use Merge Polys on the face menu.")
return item
# $Log: mergepolys.py,v $
# Revision 1.1 2001/04/15 08:53:44 tiglari
# move merge poly code to mergepolys.py; add merge polys in group functionality